21 Day Challenge

The 21 Day Entrepreneurial Challenge is a 21-day program created by Joe Arias and designed to help you develop an entrepreneurial mindset of success in your daily life by working with a series of tasks and short meditations each day.

In the 21 E-Challenge, Joe reveals the secrets that helped him and hundreds of other people to harness the powers of success and intention in order to manifest their dreams into reality.

Are you searching for more love, happiness, or wealth? Unleash your full potential by immersing yourself into the E-Challenge.

21 Day Challenge

Welcome to the Entrepreneurial Challenge


Welcome to the 21 Day The E-Challenge designed by Real Estate Investor Joe Arias from RealSuccess, an educational company committed to helping people achieve financial success through real estate flipping and rentals.

The E-Challenge opens doors that may have never been opened for you before. In this 21 Day Challenge, we will be going through the core principles of what it is to be an entrepreneur and/or businessperson. Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, this challenge will give you new access to generate more income and open the floodgates of success, abundance, and prosperity.

The Promise

This challenge will rewire any of your limiting thought patterns into a robust abundance mindset. Joe’s promise is that you will experience a breakthrough in your finances, and move things in your life that historically have never moved before, in unexpected ways. This might be attracting a new job, a new life path, finding the love of your life, or making money; anything that you feel your life might be missing, or that you would like more of. By the end of the E-Challenge, you will have uncovered, dismantled, and released your mental blocks - destructive/harmful thoughts, emotions, and limiting beliefs - that you have developed over time. You will achieve a whole new level of peace, connection, self-discipline, passion, and abundance.

How Does This Work?

Over the course of three weeks you will learn Joe’s fundamental practices and systems for creating abundance as an entrepreneur, achieving true happiness, balance, and fulfillment.

This 21 Day E-Challenge will disrupt old habits, unveil self-destructive thoughts, and will weld new connections in your brain to form new habits and emotions. New neurological pathways will open in your brain, allowing you to achieve a more efficient higher level of peace, connection, self-discipline, passion, and abundance.

Time Commitment & Assignments:
10 minutes a day to listen to the DAILY AUDIO recording
Approximately 15 minutes a day to work on your DAILY AFFIRMATIONS in your notepad and to complete the TASK OF THE DAY.

We believe that life doesn’t happen in the destination, in the million dollars in the bank, or the companies that you might create or help create. It happens in the pursuit of that purpose. Whatever wakes you up in the morning and fuels your wildest dreams is the core igniter for everything that you create.

Rules of The Game

This E-Challenge will last for 21 days.

Today I am establishing the rules for participation. We will begin the challenge tomorrow, on Day #1.



  1. During this E-Challenge you will:
    Discover your own passion, what truly moves you in life. If you have already found your passion, we will elevate that passion to a whole new level.
  2. See improvement in your leadership, communication, and entrepreneurial skills.
  3. Receive tangible tools to elevate your business and quality of life.
  4. See results and experience growth by taking action through challenges.
  5. Practice working on yourself instead of others, and strengthen your inner voice.
  6. You might see improvement in your sleep, quality of your life, and vitality.


  1. Each assignment will be sent to you the day before it is due. The deadline for you to finish each assignment is 11:59 pm. This ensures that you have at least 24 hours to complete the assignment.
  2. After you have completed your TASK OF THE DAY, confirm that you’ve done so by clicking the “Day # Completed” button. There will be several exceptions to this, which will be communicated in the corresponding assignments.


  1. Each day you’ll have access to 1) A task, 2) A Daily Affirmation, and 3) A Daily Audio recording to guide you through the process.
  2. Give your tasks your undivided attention. For ease, we suggest that you allocate a specific time of day to complete your tasks each day.
  3. Before attempting to write anything, try to bring yourself to a state of calmness and ground yourself. Don’t multitask while you do this.
  4. Tasks that require writing are to be done by hand. You can use a pen or pencil on paper. We request that you use a fresh notebook specifically for this challenge.


If you find that you are unable to complete assignments on time or continue for any reason, you can stop doing the challenge at any time but we encourage you to participate because what’s at stake here is you to achieve and fulfill your dreams.


  1. Write the DAILY AFFIRMATION in your notepad.
  2. Complete the TASK OF THE DAY.
  3. Listen to the DAILY AUDIO recording.
  4. Write in your notebook… “Day X, COMPLETE”.


  1. Find a notebook for your DAILY AFFIRMATION exercises that begin tomorrow.
  2. When that is complete, write “Day 0, Complete” in your notebook.

And on that note, we’ll leave you to it – that’s everything until tomorrow and welcome to this transformational journey called the E-Challenge.


You can use WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, or any other social media platform to create your own group. My advice is that you use WhatsApp as it’s just like texting but since it’s not “work-related” you can change the notifications to “Off” so that you aren’t distracted by the responses. 

If you chose to do WhatsApp, just download it in your phone and (we recommend) your computer. 

If you don’t know how to create your own group on WhatsApp, please follow this tutorial:


Once you download WhatsApp, you want to download the 21-Day Challenge Content so you can copy-paste it to your group as required.  After that… boom! You are ready to go!