“One can best prepare themselves for the economic future by investing in your own education. If you study hard and learn, you will be in the best circumstances to secure your future.”

~ Warren Buffett

Our Education

At RealSuccess we believe a successful real estate career first requires a strong educational foundation. This is why Joe and our team of experts, mentors, and coaches have created a system that teaches the key components and strategies needed to find, manage and close profitable real estate deals. Our hands-on approach is designed to teach you step-by-step and give you all the tools you’ll need to avoid pitfalls, reduce risk and speed up the learning curve. Stumbling through it on your own can be costly, time consuming and frustrating. Our proven systems take away the guessing and let you hit the ground running.

Our process starts with a free 2 hour seminar to introduce you to our methodology. We’ll teach you the core principles you need to know when getting started in real estate and achieve REALSUCCESS!

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Tools At Your Disposal

One-on-one coaching, access to our library of training materials, live webinars, our legal documents resources, the marketing toolbox, and our advertising campaign builder. The Elite training system also includes Booksuccess, Podsuccess, our Deal Analyzer, the Repair Estimator, and live workshops.

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Event Tickets.

One Full Year of Live Events

Delivered by RealSuccess

As a member of our program, you'll have access to three-day live events held every quarter. At these events you'll have the opportunity to attend different academies that cover rentals, remodeling or wholesaling. Live coaches will be available to answer any questions and give you all the information needed to achieve success and implementation. You will also have access to a vast community of other students and investors, some of them willing to lend money and fund deals. These live events are a great opportunity to create a strong community based on trust, loyalty and mutual support, and you'll develop long-term relationships with potential partners as investors and find like minded people with your same passion and drive to achieve financial freedom.

1 on 1 coaching

One-On-One Coaching 

Delivered by RealSuccess

The purpose of coaching is to improve once's performance on the job and in life. This involves either enhancing current skills or acquiring new skills.The benefits of coaching can improve the workforce of a company, improve employee morale, and help achieve organizational goals. We will provide personal coaching to you and your team. This will include monthly coaching meetings where we will track the achievement of your goals so we can fully support you in getting the results you want. Guaranteeing that you are implementing our systems is key for your success as a real estate investor.

Library With Training

Library With Training Materials

Delivered by RealSuccess

Our students receive a comprehensive course library with articles, videos, pre-recorded webinars and a vast selection of information ready to be implemented in your daily life as a real estate investor. You'll also have access to our Deal Analyzer, our Repair Estimator, the Remodel Academy, the Rental Academy, the Wholesaling Academy, mailing strategies and an array of other systems to achieve success.

Live Webinars

Live Webinars

Delivered by RealSuccess

RealSuccess students have access to live webinars held each month. You'll be able to learn from our top producers on subjects relating to remodels, rentals and wholesaling. Students will have an opportunity to ask relevant and personalized questions that pertain to thier current projects. These webinars are a great way to sharpenen your tool-box in order to create success in your personal journey to financial freedom. If you miss the live webinars, they are always recorded and available for unlimited access through our Elite Library.

Legal Documents

Legal Documents You Need

Delivered by RealSuccess

As exprerienced real estate investors, we know attorneys can be expensive. That's why we've already spent the money to create pretty much every legal document you'll need. All of these documents are available to you as a student and will help you protect yourself from potential risks as you set up real estate deals and projects.

Marketing Tool
social media marketing

Marketing ToolBox

Delivered by RealSuccess

The MarketingToolbox will help new and seasoned investors to deploy different marketing campaigns to find multifamily properties. Delve deep into the marketing realm with guidance from our industry-leading experts covering pivotal topics like digital campaigns, content strategies, and brand positioning. Students are encouraged to pose questions specific to their ongoing campaigns, ensuring targeted and actionable advice. These sessions are an invaluable resource to fine-tune your marketing arsenal, propelling you closer to your business objectives.

Advertising Campaigns
ad campaign

Advertising Campaigns

Delivered by RealSuccess

Advertising Campaigns is a tailored software designed to help our students create mailing strategies that facilitate new deals. This innovative software will help you create personalized letters, bandit signs, craigslist posts, and will even cover door knocking strategies. This is a great tool to help you get your name out there and start generating leads for your next deals.

Book Success


Delivered by RealSuccess

The book success library is an exclusive offering for our students where we transfer the wisdom from best selling authors in all of history by breaking it down into quick and easy to consume summaries. These books will help you acheive the mindset and gain the knowledge you need to reach maximum success. You'll learn from experts and people that have been in your shoes. Knowdledge is key to your success. A famous quote by Issacc Newton says, "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." There's no need to recreate the wheel! Learning from these experts you'll be able to achieve much more than trying to learn everything from scratch on your own.

In our book success library, you'll also be able to download eBooks from Joe and other mentors as well.



Delivered by RealSuccess

Podsuccess is a wisdom packed and engaging podcast that will allow you to learn how top investors began in real estate and made millions of dollars. But, you'll also hear some of their challenges along the way, and see how they overcame these challenges to get the deal done. This podcast is great for listening to in the car or at the gym, and you'll pick up insights and strategies that will give you the recipe for success as a real estate investor.

Deal Analyzer

Deal Analyzer and Repair Estimator

Delivered by RealSuccess

The Deal Analyzer and the Repair Estimator are critical real estate tools you'll need as an investor. When flipping, simple math errors can result in huge profit losses and discouragement. Conversely, accurate calculations can result in the discovery of lucrative deals others passed up and lead to millions of dollars in profits over time. Learning how to analyze a deal and estimate repairs is a critical part of the process and can "make" or "break" an investor when you're starting out. These tools will help you save time and money by avoiding costly deals that require expensive repairs.

Live Workshop 1

Live Workshops with our Wealth Club Members

Delivered by RealSuccess

The live workshops will be a small private setting where students learn specific skills and strategies that will give you the advantage over other casual investors. Some of the things we'll cover are how to navigate through MLS and analyze comps for your deals, the do's and don'ts on your first deals, the benefits of obtaining rental property, and the benefits of wholesaling. We'll help you solidify your elevator pitch and understand why it is so important, and we'll even cover negotiation skills, which are a key to success in this industry. All of this and more will be taught through live demonstrations and personal coaching at our headquarters in Los Angeles.

ELite Program

This program has been tailored specifically to help our students achieve success in their real estate investment career. At RealSuccess we believe a successful real estate career first requires a strong educational foundation. Our unique approach has led us to a series of checklists, step-by-step procedures, and processes that help automate our success. Our collection of experts, mentors, and coaches have developed ten unique Tools At Your Disposal that minimize your risk. We teach students the fundamentals of flipping, rentals, and wholesaling.

What Other Students Are Saying?

What our existing students and coaches are saying about RealSuccess

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Learning from Joe this weekend was awesome, but it wasn’t just him. Everyone at this conference was knowlegable and ready to help, and I met tons of cool people that I hope to work with in the future. Thanks for putting this together Joe. The content was spot on, your story is inspiring and this entire program is extremely motivating. Now I really feel like I have what I need to invest in my first deal!


John C.

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I can’t tell you how greatful my wife and are are that we attended the 3-day workshop! There was so much information provided, and everything was actionable and authentic. I could tell that they really have a desire to help us learn and succeed. Can’t recommend this seminar enough. It was exactly what we needed to jumpstart our real estate investing careers!


Charles T.

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My 3-Day Real Estate Workshop was full of educational information from Rentals to Wholesaling. There was so many topics they covered, from marketing to asset protection, to flipping to the importance of having a mentor. I definitely look forward to attending their next event. I signed up for the next one and I am really excited. I’m preparing to have what is needed for me to advance to the next level & joining a great RealSuccess team.


Cindy C.

* The testimonials on this page are from real students of RealSuccess. Students were not compensated monetarily or with product exchange for their endorsement(s).